Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Is is ok to use expired makeup kits; loose powder, compact powder, rouge, lipstick tc?

Normally the shelf life of comestic is two years, when we purchased it, it can be left with a few months or a year. By the time we used it, it can be three or four years.Is is ok to use expired makeup kits; loose powder, compact powder, rouge, lipstick tc?
Yes, if they look ok, then I think you can still use them.

I do all the time ;-)

If the powder looks cracked, or dry I wouldn't recommend using it or if mascara has dried up, don't use it.

Hope I helped ;-)Is is ok to use expired makeup kits; loose powder, compact powder, rouge, lipstick tc?
No I would not use it, it can make your skin break out.
wd u buy and use expired food from the supermarket or take expired medicines? u can see why that is a bad idea.

hint: buy makeup only when it runs out, use the makeover counters to experiment with new stuff so u dont end up purchasing stuff u hate.
expired make up isnt a good idea. its really bad for your skin.
no. it can cause all sorts of infections.
No. Never. There are chemicals in there that can really screw up your face once they get expired.
no you shouldn't use expired makeup. it could create skin rashes and whatnot.

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