Sunday, December 13, 2009

Alright, what's a lipstick lesbian? I am soooo out of the loop!?

A female tube of lipstick that likes other female tubes of lipstick.

Damn, don't you know nothin'?Alright, what's a lipstick lesbian? I am soooo out of the loop!?
a very pretty one. not like the skinhead, cargo pants onesAlright, what's a lipstick lesbian? I am soooo out of the loop!?
Well shiver me timbers I didn't know either....
lipstick lesbian

Feminine lesbian who is attracted to other feminine lesbians. they generally enjoy fashion, flowers, perfume, sex and the city, lingerie, lipstick of course, and (gasp!) passionate sex with other women.
The kind that are girly.
A feminine or girly looking or acting lesbian.

It often has derogatory connotations of being a ';fake lesbian'; - that is, a straight woman kissing and making out with other women in order to incite and provoke male attention.

Example: Madonna and Britney Spears, Madonna and Sandra Bernhard
The hot kind of lesbian. The one in the pornos. LOL.
i presume its someone who has never worn lipstick!!

no woirries, im alwyas out of the loop too! haha!


oh, everyone esle has differnet answer to me, so maybe you should just go with there answers!!ahah!! told you i was out of the loop!!hah!
The opposite of a butch lesbian.
I'm still a lesbian-in-training.
A lesbian that is hot! Not a butch looking one like Rosie...
I'm not totally up on the lingo either, but I think it's a new way of saying femme? Maybe?
its a lesbian who is attracted to more of a girly lesbian,which they are themselves,instead of going for more masculine kinda girls.
Maybe a lesbian that is hot an wears lipstick. Not the boyish one.
its a mythical creature
A lipstick lesbian is ususally one who wears make-up dresses etc and dates girl., then you have a lesbian who takes a more manly approach to dressing and makeup . hope this helps.

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