Friday, December 11, 2009

What's the difference between a lipstick lesbian and a regular lesbian? Which do more prefer?

A lipstick tends to wear make up, have her nails done, wear dresses and fancier clothes. Butch women are the opposite. However, just because a woman is gay doesn't mean she has to be either lipstick or butch. You just gotta be whatever makes you comfortable. I don't consider myself to be either. I'm just me, plain ol lesbian.What's the difference between a lipstick lesbian and a regular lesbian? Which do more prefer?
lipstick lesbian is like, really girly girl

and yeahWhat's the difference between a lipstick lesbian and a regular lesbian? Which do more prefer?
Lipstick lesbians are more feminine, along the lines of a ';femme';. As I'm attracted to masculinity, they tend not to appeal to me. I prefer butches and other masculine folk.
lipstick. is the one that likes to were makeup

non lipstick. is the one with no make up

i prefer in between

not too much makeup
lipstick lesbians where lots of makeup and change a lot about their appearance like their hair and things

kinda more on the slutty side

well no really slutty maybe just dress revealing

if you mean regular lesbians by like lesbians that look more like guys then there's your answer

those lesbians.. look like dudes lol

gah I don't know

I like both

lipstick lesbians more though I think

good enough answer?
Lipstick lesbians actually try to look like a woman. Regular stereotypical lesbians look more tomboyish.
lipstick lesbians have fake boobs, wear a lot of makeup and usually die there hair blond,,

other lesbians are just regular people i guess you could say...

as for preference,,, lol im not a girl...
I've been classified as a lipstick lesbian for many reasons. Since I guess I don't give off that huge lesbian vibe when people are around me, I can easily be mistaken for a straight girl. I get my hair done, my nails done, I love shoes (sneakers mostly), and I'm very girly. I will run for dear life if any bird or bug gets too close. I don't wear too much makeup. I only wear eye liner, lipgloss/lipstick, and maybe some eyeshadow. That's as far as it goes though. I still get called lipstick when I'm hanging out in skinny jeans, and a t-shirt. Hmmpmhh!
me = lipstick

prefer = any but not to butch...

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