Friday, December 4, 2009

What do you like more? Lipstick Lesbians or Butch Lesbians?

I really do prefer lipstick lesbians. I don't want someone prissy or anything, but I do want someone feminine. Someone sort of middle ground is good too. Like they're slightly tomboyish but they know how to look feminine would be awesome too. ^_^What do you like more? Lipstick Lesbians or Butch Lesbians?
I like a mixture of the two XD

I have no issues with butch lesbians, but I am more attracted to women that look girlier than most butches. If I have to wonder ';Is that a woman?'; I probably won't be attracted as much, but even then it can go down to a person by person basis. ::shrug::

I really didn't help much did I? LOLWhat do you like more? Lipstick Lesbians or Butch Lesbians?
I've run into problems in the past with a few butch females. Maybe it is the posturing and fake testosterone, but I still respect them for stepping up and representing who they are. It's always good to have a competitor who keeps you on your toes. Lipstick lesbians are too far off of my radar for me to know much about them, but I can appreciate their beauty. I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in as a gay guy. At the end of the day, I like the middle ground also.
I kinda fall in the inbetween stage.

I'm femme, but at the same time I'm more comfortable in

a t-shirt, and basketball shorts than being all dressed up all

the time.

I've dated both a lipstick, and a tomboyish girl.

In my opinion, I prefer lipstick.

Just because I'm more of the type to take control, and lipsticks make it easier on me. :P
My Ideal..鈥?/a>

Rose P
i would have to agree with you. like a girl who knows how to play sports and likes to get down and dirty but hen knows how to get dress and put on make up and stuff! kinda like myself! lol
Your description is what I prefer as well. But then again some butch lesbians can be really hot. As long as the girl I'm dating is an awesome person on the inside, I don't really care what label people put on her.
i rather date someone who is more like myself, so i tend to stick with the lipstick lesbians =]

but they at least need to be able to throw a softball lol or not afraid to get dirty..
Butch, definitely. I can't be bothered with feminine lesbians.
I love lipstick lesbians
Both babycakes!!!
lipstick lesbian
I prefer lipstick, though butch can be hot too. Sort of like Shane from the L Word.
im between more of a tomboy. i cant stand when they acted more ';guyish'; then me.

Although, since this is a choice, I'll choose lipstick lesbian. ^^
Uhh... I'm not gay...but if i were i would like a lipstick lesbian because masculine girls are creepy.
Ahh the tom-boy type are good... bi so...and a


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